
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Scrimmage

Yep, you are correct; you are being cheated out of your accustomed Sunday morning reading enjoyment, muchachos. Since my retirement last year, I've had a pretty good track record of delivering something new here every cotton-picking week, week after week after week. This here is something, but it ain't much…a few pictures from the just completed 2014 Deep South Regional Star Gaze Spring Scrimmage. How’d it go? That you will find out next time. Right now, I am hard at work on an assignment for Sky and Telescope as I sit in my Lodge room waiting for dark. Can’t get through Sunday without the Little Old Blog from Possum Swamp? May I remind you there are years of articles here—a veritable treasure trove in a five-and-dime sort of way. Anyhoo, I will see y’all back here next Sunday, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

Next Time:  The Herschel Project Night 43 Under Louisiana Spring Skies…


  1. Treasure trove indeed Rod, and one that I occasionally dip into and enjoy. Mind you, that index is WAY out of date and is a bit like a table of contents rather than an index. Time for a revamp maybe? Keith James, London, England, (also a recent early retiree and loving it- but where does all that time disappear to?!!).

  2. Hi Keith...

    Thanks, and, yes, updating that index is one of the those things I keep meaning to do "one of these days." LOL

  3. Mad Hungarian3:40 PM

    That looks like the ARP Funny Galaxies book in your stack of books there. Did you view any of them this time?

    I miss Thomas Aquinas's inspection tour though.

  4. Tommy says he appreciates you being a fan. LOL.

    I did a couple of Arps this time out, mostly Herschels, though...
