Thursday, February 27, 2025


Issue 613: How about a Challenge?

Project Burnham, wherein I plan to visit all the deep sky objects highlighted by Robert Burnham in his famous handbook, will continue, muchachos. But I thought you might like something new; that you might like to hear about a fun challenge NASA is running this year, “Hubble’s Night Sky Challenge.” Wut’s they-at? NASA says:

Do you have a telescope? Would you like to see some of the same night sky objects from the ground that Hubble has from space? We invite you to commemorate Hubble’s 35th anniversary by accepting our year-long stargazing challenge. On a clear night, find a safe location with a dark sky away from bright lights, point your telescope skyward, and with the help of star and finder charts, gaze upon some of the same iconic nebulae and galaxies Hubble has observed. How many of them can you find?

They go on to explain NASA is working with the Astronomical League (yes, it’s still around, apparently) who will handle issuing certificates of achievement for those who successfully sketch or photograph the objects.

I’m not very interested in certificates these days (though I admit I did my happy dance when I realized I finally had enough countries to qualify for the ARRL’s DXCC CW). Certificates or no, it looked to me like it would be mucho fun to get out and observe/image as many of these nice DSOs as possible. If you are interested in certificates, you can read all about ‘em on the Hubble’s Night Sky Challenge page.

There’ll be a list of deep sky targets for each month of 2025 with the selected objects, naturally, being those Hubble has imaged over its long career. The targets thus far have been a nice mix of five or six objects ranging from the easy to the slightly more difficult. For example, January’s challenge included M42 on the easy end and NGC 2261, Hubble’s Variable Nebula, on the more difficult.

NGC 2419
My only complaint?
Other than the Messiers, the objects are identified with their “Caldwell” numbers. If you’ve forgotten about the Caldwell, it was the “best of the NGC” list composed by the late Sir Patrick Moore and widely published way back in the 1990s. Hey, I’m as big a Moore fan as anybody—I likely wouldn’t have taken up amateur astronomy without his wonderful books—but his Caldwell list never caught on with me or most other deep sky observers. Not that it was bad…it was quite good, but had been done as well or better before.

Few of us know the C numbers. I don’t recall ever hearing anybody talking about getting out in the back forty and observing “C7,” for example. So, when perusing the Hubble’s Challenge lists, you'll have refer to a cross reference to the Caldwells’ NGC numbers, which is slightly annoying. Also, I recall some of our colleagues were slightly annoyed with the list itself, which they thought was overreach and self-promotion on the part of Patrick (though he didn’t call it the “Moore List;” Caldwell was his mum’s maiden name). I didn’t care about that. Patrick Moore was an icon, and if he’d called it the “Moore List,” I’d have been fine and dandy with that. In terms of Hubble’s Challenge, it is not a huge deal, since each month’s list only includes a handful of C objects.

So…anyhow…I don’t know if I’ll bring Hubble’s Challenge to you every month, but I will for sure bring some of them to you, and I believe you’ll have as much fun with it as I have so far.  This time of year, it’s nice to have a simple little project to tone up the deep sky observing muscles many of us (including your cold-averse old Uncle) allowed to atrophy this stormy winter.

I’ll begin with February (the nasty January WX prevented me from getting a telescope into the backyard last month even though I wanted to). How will I observe these wonders? I suspect as nice (warmer) weather comes in, I’ll do some visual looking and sketching, but I will begin with the two Smartscopes, Suzie, the See Star S50; and Evie, the Unistellar Equinox.

Hokay, let’s go… ‘Twas a pair of quite acceptable late winter nights when I set up each smartscope in succession. It was damp, but not unacceptably so; at the end of the evening Evie and Suzie had fine patinas of dew, just a hint of what we can expect when spring comes.

This was only my second night out with the Unistellar, and I still felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants when it came to her iPhone app. Luckily, I had a set of simplified (always a good thing for your simple, old Uncle) instructions from my Smartscope mentor, Jack Estes. Mostly it went smoothly, and I think Evie did a good job despite my fumbling.

When I first connected Evie to the phone, I was prompted to do an update. I’m not quite sure what that accomplished, but it was my impression the wi-fi connection was more robust. I had the phone in the Sunroom and Evie out in the backyard, and, unlike first light night, didn’t have a single disconnect. Main takeaways? I think I dialed in focus fairly well, but believe I can do a little better. It also appears to me that some collimating may be required. Verdict, though? No fuss, no muss, though not as much no fuss no muss as Suzie.

NGC 2403
With Suzie the SeeStar, there was the good and the bad with this outing. The good? The app really is to the point where all I had to do was turn on the scope, attach her dewshield, and turn on her dew heater. Everything else is automated. Pick a target on the star atlas, she goes to the field, aligns, focuses, and gets to work. The not-so-good? For many of these objects, the longer focal length of 114mm aperture Evie took the gold ring.

All pictures here are the simple .jpgs that came out of the scopes with only the most minimal processing…

NGC 2419

Ah, yes, the famous Intergalactic Tramp in Lynx. Or famous when your Uncle was a young man, anyhow. This 9th magnitude, 4’36” diameter fuzzball discovered by Sir William Herschel is a distant globular cluster now known to lie a staggering (for a glob) 275,000 light years from our little rock. It has long been known to be a far-far-away cluster, and in the 1920s legendary astronomer Harlow Shapley speculated it was not bound to the Milky Way and sailing through the night on its own. Which led to the “Intergalactic Tramp/Wanderer” appellation. In the 1990s, however, it was determined it does indeed orbit the Milky way despite its distance. Which killed some, but not all, the romance of this distant ball of suns.

What was it like for the smartscopes? Suze had no trouble at all finding and centering the fuzzball, but, alas, given her wide-field nature, was unable to resolve more than a few of the cluster’s halo stars. Would it have been different from a dark site? Maybe, but a dark site isn’t often on your old uncle’s agenda in these latter days. Evie? She made this globular look like a globular, her image showing off plenty of resolution.

Messier 46

Puppis’ bright, magnitude 6.0, 20'00" across cluster is known and loved by even novice observers. It’s not so much that it’s an outstanding open cluster in a telescope…it’s kind of large, is set in a rich field, and doesn’t pop out from the background as much as the best-of-the-best open clusters do. Its popularity with observers is because it holds a hidden gem, a small planetary nebula, the tiny ring of magnitude 10.8, 1’10” diameter NGC 2438. Even small scopes will show this ghostly little thing, which, incidentally, is thought to be a foreground object not associated with the star cluster.  

Caroline's Cluster
In the smartscopes? Make that scope. When I tried to shoot M46 with Suze, the cluster was in the trees. Luckily, I’d got it with Evie the night before. There’s a bit of a gradient from a neighbor’s porch light, but the Unistellar did a fine job with the planetary nebula, which is a striking green with red tinges. Yay, Evie!

NGC 2403

There is no doubt this big (21’00”) bright (magnitude 8.9) spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis is one of the wonders of the northern sky. The true wonder of the thing, though? How Charles Messier missed putting this one on his list. Be that as it may, it was finally observed and cataloged by William and Caroline Herschel in the 18th Century. Yes, it lies in a subdued and often bypassed constellation, the camel-leopard, but you owe it to yourself to give it a visit.

How did the girls do on this one? It was pretty much a tossup. Suzie’s image is maybe a little smoother…but I prefer the color in Evie’s portrait of the galaxy. Also, it was verging on the hazy on Suzie’s night, giving Evie further advantage.

NGC 2360

William Herschel’s sister and fellow observer, Caroline, doesn’t have many objects attributed to her alone, but there are a few, including this outstanding open cluster. Lina found this one—maybe during one of her comet “sweeps”—on the evening of February 26th 1783, and it became the second object in her personal list. As y’all know, Unk goes ga-ga over most anything having to do with Willie and Lina, but Caroline’s Cluster is a purty outstanding galactic cluster (in Canis Major) on its own. This magnitude 6.2, 14’00” across clump of stars is just about perfect for small-medium size scopes.

Well, finally…a win for Miss Suzie. While Caroline’s Cluster isn’t too large, it’s set in the richness of the Milky Way, and the SeeStar S50’s extra field made it just look better. But it was good in Evie as well, no doubt about that.

NGC 2392

And, yet another Willie Herschel discovery, the famous Eskimo or Clown Face magnitude 9.6 planetary nebula in Gemini. It is another object well-known and beloved of deep sky observers old and new. Small scopes show a greenish puffball with a brighter center/central star, while medium-large instruments begin to unlock details, like the ruff of the Eskimo’s parka.

The Eskimo
At 48”, it’s difficult to get past the fuzzball stage with shorter focal length telescopes. And a fuzzball is what I got with Suze, a small, bright green fuzzball. Evie?  Better, but only marginally better. You know what, though? I believe that was more about me than her. I’m still learning the ins and outs of setting exposure, etc. with the Unistellar, and think there might have been some internal detail visible in the Eskimo if I hadn’t overexposed the center. Well, next time, y’all!

And that was that. Easy-peasy. Both smartscopes knocked off every challenge object. In fact, they laughed at the idea these were “challenges.” That said, I believe as I gain more experience with both telescopes, I will improve on what they can deliver.

As for NASA’s Hubble’s Night Sky Challenge? I had fun. I was afraid the rather well-known nature of the objects would make for a ho-hummer of an experience…but no. In fact, I had a terrific time. So terrific that maybe I’ll continue next month after all…

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