Sunday, November 17, 2013
Through a Glass Not so Darkly
Okay, where was we, muchachos? I’d just finished the third
night of the 2013 Deep South Regional Star Gaze, which was the first clear night after a couple of days of
stormy weather. Friday night was damp, y’all, real damp, but I got a lot
accomplished. In about five hours, I did 77 Arp galaxies and 20 showpiece objects
besides. When I finally drifted off in our room in the Lodge at 3:30 in the
a.m., I was feeling good.
I felt even better when I awoke after nine Saturday
to skies that were, if anything, clearer and bluer than they had been Friday. The
air was also a whole lot drier. It was slightly breezy and it felt as if the
humidity had dropped by double digits. A quick run down the field before
breakfast was illuminating, campers. If I hadn’t known otherwise, I’d a-thought
it had rained; everything—scopes, canopies, tables—was wet. Friday night’s
ground fog, the remnants of it anyhow, was still hanging on but was soon burning off and I
didn't think it would put in a return appearance Saturday evening.
After breakfast, where the Feliciana Retreat Center staff
kicked it up yet another notch,
adding pancakes to the grits, bacon, sausage, eggs, and biscuits, I had a
couple of things to consider. First was what to do with myself all the livelong
day. Second was what to do with the night that was coming. The former turned
out not to be much of a problem. Once I was done with breakfast and had lingered
over a few cups of Joe, it was near-about noontime.
The second question was a bit more difficult to answer. I’d
covered most of the Arp galaxies that would be well placed before the wee, wee
hours, so I didn't believe I’d be able to devote a second night to Operation
Arp. Originally, the plan had been to do some further testing of the remarkable
Mallincam Junior Pro. I’d image some of the
same objects I’d got with the Xtreme, at least the showpieces, and see how
Junior stacked up against big sis. That was before Miss Dorothy won her
telescope, though.
As I told y’all last week, Miss D. won a lovely new scope,
an Explore Scientific AR102 refractor, at the Friday afternoon raffle. It sure
looked good, but I had a powerful hankering to see how good it would be to look
through, not just at. I mean, y’all, do you really
think I’d let a brand new scope sit idle on a clear night? Junior would get his
turn under dark skies down in Chiefland after Christmas if not before. Tonight
we would go visual—with a freaking refractor.
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It was still damp Saturday a.m... |
As you probably know, Uncle Rod just ain’t a refractor kinda guy. Oh,
I’ve got a couple of ‘em. Small ones. 80mm is the largest aperture lens-scope
in my stable. And those little guys get used infrequently at best. As I have
said before, Unk’s refractor-phobia had its origin in my first look through
what was supposed to be the wonderscope of all wonderscopes, a Unitron.
If you came of age as an amateur astronomer in the 60s or
70s, I don’t have to tell you what a Unitron was, but for you sprouts, Unitrons
were gorgeous long-tubed achromatic refractors that graced the advertising pages
of Sky and Telescope every single month.
When the company’s Christmas ad appeared in the December 1965 issue of Sky and
‘Scope, Unk, like a thousand other space-crazy Boomer kids, couldn’t help but
put a Unitron on his Christmas list.
Not that I had a dog’s chance in hell of getting one. The
basic Unitron, a 2.4-inch (60mm) alt-az job, went for one-hundred and
twenty-five fraking dollars in the mid-60s. Which was somewhat more than the average for a week’s wages back then. At least I could dream.
Unitrons were the very stuff of
dreams, and I spent plenty of lazy afternoons dreaming about what I would be
able to see through Unitron’s 3-inch Photo-equatorial, which was the one I
really wanted. It was a Unitron, so I
naturally assumed it—or even the 2.4-inch—would show far more than my 4-inch
Palomar Junior Newtonian or even my “realistic” dream scope, a Criterion RV-6
Seemed like back then every neighborhood had a Little Rich Kid
in residence. We did, and he was not a bad feller, but he and I had had a bad
falling out and didn't speak much. Nevertheless, when he cajoled his old man into buying
him a Unitron Model 114 alt-azimuth 60mm, I wasn’t too proud to cadge a look
one night when I spied him setting up in his backyard.
Those thrilling days of yesteryear... |
What I saw was a yellow-orange Moon that was OK, but didn't
look near as sharp as it did in my Pal Junior at a similar magnification. When
Bubba applied his highest power eyepiece, the lunar surface didn't rush up to
meet me like I was making a descent with the Destination Moon rocketship, it mushed out. I somehow managed to force
out a “Great scope!” or two and headed home to my lowly Edmund as fast as my
legs would carry me.
My disappointment in the little Unitron stayed with me. Now,
before you refractor troops get all huffy, yes, I know a good refractor is capable of excellent performance. And a good apochromatic refractor capable of
astounding things. Hell, I’ll even grant that that 60mm Unitron probably could
have surprised under the right conditions in the right hands. And yet...and disappointment with that pretty little telescope stuck with me.
And now a refractor had come to stay with Unk and Miss
Dorothy. I had no idea what to expect. It was bigger than any refractor I’d
owned. Four fraking inches, same aperture John Mallas used to make the
observations for his classic 1960s columns and his book, The Messier Album. I loved and still love that book, and John M.
had obviously seen a lot with a 4-inch refractor, so I’d reserve judgment on
the one sitting in its box under our tailgating canopy until it was under the
First step was getting the newun on the mount. Shortly after
D. received it, I’d checked out the dovetail sitchy-ation and had determined
there’d be no problem mounting AR on VX. It came with a nice pair of rings and
a Vixen compatible dovetail, and would work out of the box with the VX—if I could balance it. I’d only brought along
one counterweight, one 11-pound counterweight. That’s enough to balance the C8,
but I wasn’t sure about the AR102. I had almost packed a second weight, but
hadn’t. Why? I had an epiphany the night before the star party: “Maybe I should
bring another weight, we are gonna win
that refractor. Naw, might jinx it.” Lucky guess or an instance of Unk’s POWERFUL REMOTE VIEWING SENSE? You be
the judge.
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On the VX... |
I felt a little guilty about relegating the Edge 800 to her
case, since she had performed so brilliantly the night before, not just
capturing the Arps, but bringing back surprising detail in ‘em. But I figgered
she’d get over it. Unk had new scope fever, and the new baby’s looks were just
sending his temperature ever higher.
To start with, the tube was a gleaming white. I’ve loved
orange, black, and blue tubes over the years, but white just seems right for a scope. My Palomar Junior’s
tube is white, my RV-6’s tube is white, and now our current scopes, my Edge 800 and Dorothy’s AR102, have
white tubes; it’s like a return to those thrilling days of yesteryear. I might
add that the finish on the Explore Scientific is flawless and the Explore decal
on the dew shield is attractive and professional looking.
Ah, yes, the dewcap. That’s the one thing on the scope that
makes it stand out. It is considerably larger than the dew shields on similar aperture
refractors, and seems bigger than it needs to be, even given the scope’s somewhat
oversize objective cell. Once I had the dew controller adjusted correctly for
the night’s conditions, the larger diameter of the shield didn't seem to hurt
anything, though. As my buddy Jon said,
it just seems to make the scope even more impressive looking. What it actually looks
a lot like is the old LXD 75 – 55 refractors from Meade. That’s okay. I always liked
the cut of their jibs.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about this OTA is the
focuser, a hefty 2-speed Crayford in
a hefty tailpiece assembly with two large and hefty (that seems to be the operative
word for the AR) aluminum knobs. Looked good, but I couldn’t help being
skeptical. I’ve seen plenty of focusers on import scopes that looked good, but worked bad: rough, prone to slippage, impossible to adjust
correctly. Only use under the stars would tell which way this one would go. The
focuser uses a compression ring impinged on by three big screws, not just
setscrews, to hold the diagonal in place.
Accessories? They are surprisingly lavish. There’s a 50mm
finder with a gleaming white tube that sports nice dual crosshairs. The only down
check with it is its mount. Oh, it’s nicely done, I reckon, but like most of
those that ship with scopes these days, it uses the
two-screws-and-spring-loaded-tensioner paradigm. I prefer three adjustment
screws per ring, as that seems to hold alignment better. I guess this is the
current fashion with Chinese scope makers. The Edge 800’s finder bracket also has a
spring tensioner-thingie.
Also impressive is the star diagonal I found in the box.
It’s a 2-inch job, a nice HEFTY 2-inch job, marked “99% reflectivity.” It uses
a compression ring to hold the eyepiece and the sides are an attractive carbon
fiber material (that’s what they look like, anyhow).
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The legendary FRC pot-roast... |
Finally, there is the tube rings/dovetail. Again, “hefty,”
with nice oversized knobs and a precision manufactured Vixen compatible
dovetail that slid into the saddle on the VX mount easily and was not too tight
nor too loose. Also cool is that the “top” side of the rings opposite the
dovetail is formed by a carrying handle that made it easy to get the OTA on the
The refractor was on the VX and looking oh-so-fine. Miss D.
was thrilled to receive many admiring compliments about her pretty, new scope, and she
and me could hardly wait for first light. Before that could happen, though, we
had to get through the tail end of the afternoon. I spent a little time reading (more military SF), but the biggest event was
the last raffle of the star party. Naturally, again, Unk didn’t win nuttin’, but my friend and observing
companion, Jon Ellard, almost unbelievably, won the second AR102. He was just
walking on air about that. Looked like it would be a dadgum refractor party on
the old DSRSG observing field Saturday night!
Not long after the raffle, it was time for supper. I believe
my favorite on the FRC menu is the pot-roast—the menu remains purty much the
same spring and fall year after year—but the brisket is a close second.
Tender…smoked to perfection…excellent sides…the salad bar…gallons of that
southern elixir, sweet tea. What more could a hungry hillbilly ask?
Then, darkness was upon us. D. and I bundled up, since it was
to be considerably colder than it had been the previous evening. Friday, it got
down to maybe the upper forties—though the humidity made it feel colder than
that—on this night it was forecast to hit the upper thirties. That’s verging on
“too cold” for this good old boy, especially since I’d be out under the stars
at the eyepiece of Dorothy’s refractor, not under the canopy next to a heater
in front of a computer and a video monitor.
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Jon with new friend... |
Anyhoo, the mount set up was exactly the same as the night
before. I hadn't managed to move or bump the tripod, so I didn't have to worry
about polar alignment. Since I didn't say anything about it last week, I
suppose I should mention I controlled the mount with NexRemote, Celestron’s program that takes the place of the hand
control. While I’d be observing visually and not sitting at the PC, I like being
able to use a wireless Wingman game pad
as an HC thanks to NexRemote. One
less cable to get tangled up in. NR works just as well with the VX as it does
with my other Celestron mounts, albeit with one hiccup.
If your telescope mount features one of Celestron’s “PC”
ports, there is no need to worry about the hardware hand controller at all. It
can say in its case or at home. You plug the laptop directly into the PC port
via Celestron’s “programming cable.” While the CG5 doesn't have a PC Port, I can
provide one for it with it with their (no longer sold) Aux Port Accessory, which
plugs into the hand control socket.
Unfortunately, the Aux Port Accessory doesn't work with the VX. That means I have to connect NexRemote to the mount through the port on the base of the hardware
hand control. You don’t have to do
anything with the hardware HC; it just provides a way of connecting to the
mount. Wish I didn't have to fool with it, but it is not a big deal, I reck.
Soon as it was dark, I got the mount goto aligned. That was
no more difficult than it had been the previous night, or shouldn't have been.
I had forgotten how much I hate using a “real” finderscope for alignments. Mrs.
Peel has a Rigel Quickfinder on her, and my other most used C8, Celeste, has a
Telrad. The AR102’s finder is a pretty one and the optics are good, but I find
it much easier to use a zero-power job. That, combined with the fact that we
were real excited and that it was just barely dark enough to see alignment
stars, caused me to miss Fomalhaut when I was doing calibration stars, aligning
on a nearby sparkler by mistake. I got an “align successful” message nevertheless,
but the go-tos were not as good as they normally are.
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The Happy Hand Grenade... |
Nevertheless, everything I requested was in the field of the
refractor using the 16-mm 100-degree Zhumell eyepiece, the Happy Hand Grenade. What was our first light target? M13, of course.
Yeah, it was probably a little low here in the first week of November, and it
really wasn’t dark enough, but with it in the sky, what else would we go-to
My impression after Dorothy had had a good long first look
with her new scope? How tiny the
stars were. Yeah, I know, people always talk about stars being tiny in a
refractor, but most of the reason for that is that stars naturally look
“smaller” at the lower powers you get with a medium aperture/medium fast
refractor. The AR102 is a 4-inch f/6.5,
so the HHG was producing a measly 41X. Still, I gotta say them stars looked mighty little
and sharp. I was also extremely impressed at how many were resolved in the
cluster. M13’s core was grainy, and there were dozens of eensy-beansy sparklers
around the periphery when I exercised averted vision. Considerably more stars
than I see with my 4.5-inch StarBlast Newtonian.
How was the field edge? In the Happy Hand Grenade, stars
were acceptable. Not perfect, but okay, and not much worse than in my f/10 SCT.
In the Ethoses, they were very good indeed. There is field curvature with this
relatively fast achromat, but I never found it annoying. I didn’t notice any
other optical problems of any kind. Collimation appeared to be bang-on.
The view of M13 was nice, and was considerably better when
we switched to the 8mm Ethos (83X), but busting globs is not the strength of a 4-inch wide-field refractor. You go to one for, well, wide fields. While we
could, we headed south to the rapidly sinking wonders of Sagittarius and company. They were
all tremendous despite their low altitude. The Eagle Nebula in M16 showed up easily;
the Lagoon was its purty old self despite being way down in the southwest. The
real winner, though, was M17, the Swan Nebula. It looked great, especially with
the help of a Lumicon 2-inch UHC filter, in every eyepiece we tried, but for me
was best in the Happy Hand Grenade. The Swan was a little small in that ocular,
but not too small, and it was
swimming in a huge, crazy-rich sea of (yes) tiny stars.
We did plenty more showpieces in this early part of the evening,
including M22 before it sank out of sight. It’s loose and it’s big and if you
want a globular that’s well-resolved and just looks good in a smaller scope, that
is it. M20 was easy to see and showed its "petals," a pretty good accomplishment at
this time of year. M31? Freaking amazing with at least one dark lane evident. When we'd finished with the Andromeda Nebula, Miss D. was feeling chilled,
and both of us were still a little concerned about her “spell” the day before. After
a quick look at NGC 457, the E.T. Cluster, who waved her goodnight, she left
the field for the Lodge and left her beautiful new scope in Unk’s eager hands.
What would I look at? Now that I’d calmed down a
little—first light was done and I had assured myself that D’s scope didn't just
work, but worked Real Good—I thought a test might be in order. The AR102 is an
achromat, and like that entire breed, it suffers from chromatic aberration,
“excess” color around bright objects. You can reduce chromatic aberration in an
achromat by using objectives with slow focal ratios. Unfortunately, the AR102’s
objective, an f/6.5, is not slow enough to do much to eliminate excess color.
To reduce chromatic aberration to low levels with a 4-inch objective, you have
to go all the way to f/15, the focal ratio of John Mallas’ Unitron. There would be chromatic aberration. The
question was “How bad?”
Certainly, I hadn’t noticed purple around any of the objects
we’d looked at thus far. But I wouldn’t expect it with deep sky objects and
dimmer stars. Where it really shows up is with the Moon, the planets, and
bright stars, stars brighter than about magnitude 2. The Moon wasn’t available,
and Venus was now behind a tree, but Vega was riding high. Mashed the buttons
to get me to “Named Stars,” and punched up “Vega.”
Alpha Lyrae in the field, I took a critical look with all
three of my standard eyepieces, the HHG, the 13-mm Ethos, and the 8-mm Ethos.
Verdict? Oh, there was color, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d feared. It was
noticeable, but when I was critically focused it was genuinely unobtrusive, a
small violet halo. No doubt Venus would have been a purple-people-eater horror,
but I don’t look at Venus much, and when I do, I don’t use a 4-inch wide-field
scope to do it.
Whew! Glad we got that settled. What now? More wide-field
beauties was the answer, but before I did that, I decided to do a new go-to
alignment. I got the correct stars centered this time, including that rascal
Fomalhaut. It wasn’t really that hard
with the finder—guess my excitement and impatience had been most of the
problem—but I am still going to see if I have a suitable red-dot finder for
this telescope.
Looking up, I saw Cygnus was now straddling the Meridian. What
better time to go after one of the more challenging big nebulae, NGC 7000, The
North America Nebula? I had good success with it the previous year at DSRSG
with the StarBlast, but I was still after a definitive look at that wonder after five decades of hunting for and looking at it.
Mashed the buttons, the VX hummed, and we were there.
Before having a look, I switched eyepieces, to one of my old
favorites, TeleVue’s 35mm Panoptic. I’ve had that ocular for years and consider
it a classic, even though I am not usually a fan of lower powers. I will say
that when you do need low magnification there is no better way to get it than
with a 35 Pan. It is far more comfortable to use than most eyepieces of its
focal length. Its eye-relief is not too long, and it doesn't suffer too much from
“blackout” if your eye is mis-positioned.
Alrighty, then, what do we have here? A quick look showed something in the big field, something
faintly nebulous twining through the clouds of stars. How about adding the UHC?
Good thing Unk’s sneakers were tightly tied; otherwise my socks would indeed
have been blown off after I screwed on the filter. There it was. The nebula, and especially the “gulf coast” region,
was—dare I say it?—bright. Slewing a little even turned up the freaking Pelican
lurking down in the starry Caribbean. No, even at 19X I couldn’t quite frame
the whole thing, but it was good enough. Man, was it ever. I have never, ever
had as good a look at the N.A.N. This single observation made the whole night
NGC 7000 was so cotton-picking good I decided I’d go after its
e’en tougher sister over in Perseus, NGC 1499, The California Nebula. I wasn’t
quite sure what to expect. It had been visible
with the StarBlast and an h-beta filter the previous year, but was not easy. VX
hummed, I looked into the Pan, and was soon hollering, “Jon, get over here!”
There it was, running down the center of the field as an easy to see stripe of
nebulosity. Jon and I scanned up and down the huge thing for a while—we spent
the whole evening calling each other over to our AR102s for looks at one wonder
after another. Only bummer? If only I had had a 2-inch h-beta filter for the 35
Panoptic. The UHC worked but was not optimum for this deep red object.
What impressed me even more than the way the AR102 had shown
up the two legendarily dim nebulae? How well the scope’s focuser worked. It
never slipped, even with the big Panoptic, and its action was smooth and responsive no matter where I
pointed the scope and no matter whether I was using the course or fine focus
knob. The fine focus? With a fast scope that tends to snap into focus, it sure
is a help.
I knew that anything else I’d look at pre-M42 would be a letdown
after those two stupendous nebulae, but I had a lot of fun while waiting for
M42 to rise above the trees. Most of that fun came from running through the
objects in one of Sue French’s “Deep Sky Wonders” columns. Doing “Sue’s
objects” is a tradition for me at Deep South, and I thought I’d give her
November 2013 column, “Friends,” a spin.
Before I could do that, though, I had to zap some dew. I
didn't have a 4-inch dew-heater strip, so I made do with an 8-incher, wrapping
it around a couple of times. I wasn’t sure how well that would work and,
especially, whether it might not get too hot, so I set the DewBuster controller
for 5-degrees above ambient. It was humid, but not as bad as Friday, so I hoped
that would be enough. The result was the objective dewed-up not long after we
left the California Nebula. Luckily, I found I had a 12-volt hairdryer/dew
zapper in the equipment case—I initially thought I’d left it at home. I zapped,
cranked the ‘Buster up to 10-degrees and had no further dew problems.
Sue’s Friends

M52. I very much agree with Sue’s description of
this cluster, which, like me, she observed in a 4-inch refractor. As she says,
it is a “swarm” of fifty or more small sparklers packed into an area of about
15’ diameter. Sue doesn’t mention it, but to me the central area always looks triangular
in a smaller scope.
I ain’t much on asterisms, so I skipped the next Friend, “the
Airplane,” and headed onward to another open cluster, Czernik 43 that is just southeast of M52. It was quite marvelous in
the refractor; at low power it looks like a “detached” part of M52 and is
equidistant between the Messier cluster and a magnitude 6.6 star 14’ farther to
the south-southeast.
One of the great things about Sue French’s columns is that
she offers up a nice variety of objects each time. Next was a faint emission
nebula, NGC 7635, The Bubble Nebula, 30’ to the southwest of M52. Sue calls it
“faint” in her 130mm refractor, and it dang sure was in the 102mm. It was
visible in the OIII filter equipped 13mm Panoptic, but just barely as a faint
haze. The “bubble,” which had shown itself so starkly in the Edge 800 and
Mallincam the night before was nowhere to be seen. That was okay. What I could
see, a rectangular swath of nebulosity made a beautiful field even more
beautiful, even with the star-dimming caused by the filter.
From the Bubble, Sue takes us to a double star. I like
double stars, but wasn’t in the mood on this night, so I pressed on to King 20,
an open cluster. This little group is mainly distinguished by being near a
prominent multiple star system, AR Cassiopeiae, which is 26’ to the west. What
I saw was pretty much what Sue French saw: a misty patch of starlight framed by
a triangle of dim resolved stars. The tiny, misty stars that form the cluster
itself tended to wink in and out as the seeing (which was not ever very good on
this night) changed.
The last Friends object was, believe it or not, Cassiopeia
A, the supernova remnant left over from a supernova (unobserved) that lit-off
in the last years of the 17th century (maybe). Sue could see it with a
9.25-inch SCT, but I certainly didn't get a hint of it with the 4-inch refractor.
Sounds like a job for the Mallincam.
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Sunday morning... |
I intended to make it an early night because of that
inevitable packing and drive home in the morning-time, but after I’d done the
last of Sue’s Friends, M42 still wasn’t quite high enough to look at. I spent
the next hour zig-zagging across the sky to a variety of objects. Everything
from bright wonders like M2, M1, and M30, to Herschel 400 objects. I was
pleasantly surprised that the AR picked up every 400 I tried. Yeah, I know
Steve O’Meara did ‘em all with a 4-inch refractor, but I don’t have his eyes or
Finally, M42 was well above the trees. I'd stuck to the rule my old friend Pat Rochford and I formulated a long time ago at DSRSG, back when the star party was at its original and legendary home, Percy Quin State Park: “No
going to bed till the Great Nebula is good and high.” The greenish color
that is sometimes visible was particularly strong on this evening, and even at
41x the Trapezium’s minuscule stars were so well separated I coulda drove a
truck through the spaces. The nebula’s glowing clouds just seemed to go on
I was so hyped up by the sight of Orion (and maybe the
Monster Energy Drink I’d chugged about an hour before), that part of me wanted
to stay up for ISON. And maybe even linger
through Sunday night. That would have been possible, but there’d have been no
supper served Sunday evening, and we might have had to move to a cottage. In
the end, I decided that, as always, The Only Enemy of Good Enough is More
Better (Gooder). After four days at FRC it was time to get home to the Old
Back at the Lodge, it wasn’t quite 2 o’clock, and I spent an
hour watching DVDs, surfing the pea-picking Cloudy Nights, and thinking about
the 2013 edition of the Deep South Regional Star Gaze. Over the years, there've
been good ones and not so good ones, same as with any star party. 2013 wasn’t
the best ever—that was 1994, the first year I had my new wife, Dorothy, at my
side—but it was a goodun, best in years. Will I be back next fall? Sure hope
so. If we do a spring edition, I dang sure intend to be onsite for that, too.
Deep South Forever, muchachos.
Next Time: Destination Moon Night 3...
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Rod, I know how feel about the Explore Scientific Achromats. I've had an AR152 from the beginning of ES.
I love my 6" Achro. I use it for outreaches as well as imaging. Like you I don't find the CA overly objectionable, even on the moon. I do find that a Baader semi-APO filter really helps. I put it on the diagonal, so it works with every eyepiece.
I have not tried to see the North American Nebula/Pelican nor the California Nebula. While they're too big for my camera's FOV, I think I will give them a try visually, so thanks for the new targets.
Tell Miss Dorothy, congratulations and to enjoy the scope.
I love my 6" Achro. I use it for outreaches as well as imaging. Like you I don't find the CA overly objectionable, even on the moon. I do find that a Baader semi-APO filter really helps. I put it on the diagonal, so it works with every eyepiece.
I have not tried to see the North American Nebula/Pelican nor the California Nebula. While they're too big for my camera's FOV, I think I will give them a try visually, so thanks for the new targets.
Tell Miss Dorothy, congratulations and to enjoy the scope.
Congrats to Dorothy and Jon Ellard too. Thanks for your review of Dr. Clay's talk, and will pass along this link as well to the EAAA.
Been trying to decide between this scope or a Celestron 120mm Omni... But I think this review takes the cake. Looks like I'll be picking up an ES 102 soon! A review like this was exactly what I was looking for.
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