The just completed 2014 Deep South Regional Star Gaze was a different
sort of star party for your old Uncle. I've devoted the past few editions of this long running event almost
entirely to hardcore Mallincamming; what little visual got done was of the pedal
to the metal variety and in service to the vaunted Herschel Project. This year? The DSRSG was a journey back through the mists of time, to the halcyon days of the
early 90s. Oh, I know what you are a-thinking, Skeezix, “Well, what the hell is
silly ol’ Unk Rod going on about now?”
Rest assured, all will be revealed next Sunday. For now, though, your aged
Uncle needs to rest up from all the fun
he had.
Next Time: Sometimes You Get Do-overs…
Unk's friend Frank and Miss D. relaxing... |
Good turnout for a Wednesday... |
Miss Van Pelt |
Old Betsy... |
# posted by Rod Mollise @ 1:02 AM