Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year from Your Old Uncle Rod!
Happy New Year one and all! Do you have any resolutions? Your old Uncle has a few, muchachos...
I resolve to spend more time looking through telescopes than talking about ‘em.
I resolve to turn off the boobtube and get out under the stars, even on "iffy" nights, even with "just" a StarBlast or a pair of 15x70s or my eyes.
I resolve that if there’s a Moon in the sky, I will give her the attention she so richly deserves.
I resolve to be more understanding when it comes to novice amateurs and my astronomy students. I will not use the words “you dunderhead” in my answers to their questions.
I resolve to spend more time enjoying the company of my friends at star parties rather than ignoring them in a quest for the ultimate visual observation (with my middle aged eyes who am I kidding, anyway?).
I resolve to continue to support our great nation’s bourbon whiskey distillers.
I resolve, also, to support the flagging amateur astronomy industry (folks, it has not been a good year for the amateur astronomy biz) by buying gear like a madman.
I resolve to try my best to get the quarterly issues of Skywatch on the street at least at some point during the season for which they are dated.
I resolve not worry about taking down the above Christmas Tree in Chaos Manor South’s living room before Twelfth Night.
I resolve to wish each and everyone of you A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS AND CLOUD-FREE NEW YEAR!