Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Y'all Don't Forget!

I was excited about this one, since this will be the first decent eclipse of the Moon to hit my neck of the woods in a while. I was running around yesterday evening gatherin' up cameras, mounts, scopes, etc. Even the weather looked like it would cooperate for once, I thought. That's what I get for thinking; a look at wunderground.com this morning shows we down here in the Great Possum Swamp are likely to be skunked. Totally skunked. You never do know, but I ain't optimistic. Maybe I'll get a look or two at Hecate through a pair of binocs if I'm lucky. So it goes...
Update: looked like a nice, if not overly dark eclipse from what I could see of it. As predicted, the clouds moved in right on schedule. I did station a pair of 15x70 binocs in Chaos Manor South's front hall, and between sips of...err..."sarsaparilla," I made frequent expeditions to the front porch to check eclipse progress. Luna was always obscured by at least a thin layer of haze, but I'm sure those of y'all whom the weather gods smiled upon had a good night. Certainly the shots I've seen; especially one from Jerry Lodriguss, look impressive. Me? 'Bout mid totality we was socked in for good, and I headed inside for more Yell and to finish watching a recent addition to the Chaos Manor South DVD library, Invasion of the Both Snatchers. The 50s edition, not the ersatz stuff.