Saturday, July 02, 2011


On Duma Key...

That's where Miss Dorothy and I spent our 4th of July weekend. You know, Stephen King's haunted little eastern Gulf - western Florida coast island. Confused? "Duma Key" is how Miss D. and I have begun referring to one of our favorite Florida destinations, Cedar Key. Actually, we didn't stay on the Key, but in nearby CHIEFLAND. Beginning to get the picture, muchachos?

Yep, your old Uncle is on another deep sky tear, another crusade against the Herschel 2500. How did it go? You'll get all the details next week, but I don't mind telling you it was a huge success, though at first it didn't look like it was gonna be. Not hardly. But that's for next week. If you've been with us a while, you know that when Unk is on the road the blog is brief, and so it will be today. As usual here are a few snaps for you to look at in the meantime.

Weather didn't look exactly...uhhh..."promising" on Thursday afternoon...

The heat and the clouds didn't stop plenty of deep-sky-crazy Chiefland Observers from rolling in...

Yes, the temperatures were a mite "balmy"....

But emulate this dude and success is assured--usually!

Next Time: The Herschel Project Nights 24 and 25.

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