Sunday, August 25, 2013
Rocket City Again
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Unk and old friend... |
I know it
seems like I just talked about me and D’s last trip up I-65 to Huntsville, but believe it or no, that was almost a year ago,
last Thanksgiving, and we've just been up there again. Time flies when you are
having fun, or, like Unk, getting old. We for sure planned to visit the U.S.
Space and Rocket Center on this trip, but that was only the second of two
reasons we had for heading north. The first was the famous Huntsville Hamfest.
If you are a
ham, an amateur radio operator, I don’t have to tell you about the HH. If'n you
ain’t? It’s become one of the biggest hamfests in our part of the country, and,
in fact, in the whole country. "What’s a hamfest,” you ask? That’s easy: it is like a NEAF for amateur radio operators. Tons of dealers, countless flea
market tables, and hundreds of nerds like your old Uncle running around like
chickens with their heads off. Why should you care if you are not a ham?
Because, as I have said before, amateur radio and amateur astronomy are a lot
alike and there is always something of interest to amateur astronomers going on
at a hamfest.
astronomy and radio don’t just share the same people—despite the hordes, D. and
I soon ran into a fellow PSAS member—the “sister” hobbies’ activities also have
a lot in common. Hams are interested in the Sun, to include observing the Sun,
due to Sol’s influence on radio propagation, but it goes beyond that.
There is growing interest in radio astronomy, many of the people pursuing that
are hams, and there is no better place to look for radio astronomy gear or information than at a hamfest.
Udder than
that? You can find just about anything under the sun on a hamfest flea market
table, everything from cat toys to oscilloscopes and everything in between. I’ve
even seen a CCD camera or two for sale at hamfests. Miss Dorothy, a non-ham wife,
an “XYL” in our lingo, actually found more cool stuff to buy at the HH than I
did. Course, before either one of us could buy a thing we had to get there.
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Stuckey's too tempting candy counter |
The only
bummer remaining on the trip to Huntsville was getting through Birmingham,
where there is plenty of traffic and the Interstate is in a constant state of (re)construction.
We’d left at just the right time to beat the lunch traffic, though, and if we
didn’t exactly sail through B’ham, we didn't get stopped in traffic, either.
The last
third of the journey is actually pleasant. The land begins to rise sharply from
the Gulf’s coastal plains, and you begin to see small mountains, quite a treat
for us flatlanders. Shortly after we left I-65 for I-565 and the final run into
Huntsville, we spotted the facility of U.S.
Tower, a manufacturer who sells antenna towers to hams (and everybody else).
I thought that a good omen.
Over the
last year or two, we’d been having as big a “motel problem” in Huntsville as we'd had in Chiefland for a while. For years, all
through the 1990s, we stayed at the original Rocket City Holiday Inn, the one
frequented by the giants of the Space Age in the 1960s. But the place began a
precipitous decline at the turn of the century, closing its famous Orbit
Lounge and transitioning to the downscale Holiday Inn Express chain. We tried
an alternative or two before stumbling on a good motel near our favorite Huntsville
Restaurant, Rosie’s Mexican Cantina. Seemed there was a new Best Western right
behind the restaurant and in walking distance of it. We tried the new motel last
Thanksgiving and were happy.
This time,
since the Hamfest was supposedly our numero
uno activity, we’d planned to stay at the Embassy Suites, the event hotel.
When all the hamfest-priced rooms filled up before we could get one, we settled
on the nearby downtown Holiday Inn. The more I thought about that, though, the
less wise it sounded.
Almost all of the larger hamfests (Huntsville is number three in size in the USA) are two-day affairs, Saturday and Sunday, and like many hams, I find I
can cover everything the first day. If we were not going to do Day Two, why pay
for a downtown hotel? The Best Western would actually be closer to our fave
restaurants and at least as close to the Space Center. We cancelled our Holiday
Inn reservations and switched to Best Western. Checked in, D. and I were as
pleased with the accommodations as we’d been last Thanksgiving: modern, clean
rooms; big flat-screen TV; reasonable (cheap, actually) rates.
After we were
settled, it was getting on to suppertime, and that chilidog seemed like it
was a long, long time ago. We’d had so much fun at the nearby Buffalo Wild
Wings last year—that’s where we’d had our Thanksgiving dinner—we decided to try
it again.
Only slight irritant
at the cotton-picking B-dubs? Seems as you can’t get a dozen wings anymore; you
have to get fifteen. Unk loves them
so much he was naturally tempted to eat ‘em all. Thank whatever gods there be
that watch over silly hams, I had the sense not to try that. All them wings slathered with WILD sauce would
have made for an uber restless night—at
best—and I wanted to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed on hamfest Saturday
morning. Once again, just like last year, Miss Dorothy’s drink order, a glass
of pinot grigio, elicited a blank stare from the server, but after a little
consultation he got it figured out.
The night
was a reasonably restful one after a little Rebel Yell to fill up the corners and a
little cable TV. We were up in plenty of
time to hit the free breakfast and head to the hamfest at 9:30. How was breakfast? One of the better motel
ones I’ve had in a while: biscuits, gravy, sausage, eggs, pastries, fruit,
cereal, waffles. After the previous evening’s wings-mania, Unk certainly didn't
sample everything, sticking to the biscuits and gravy. Which was better than I
expected, much better, and fortified me sufficiently for a long day of hamfest
bargain hunting.
The Huntsville
Hamfest’s doors would open at nine, but I suggested we give it a little while
to calm down. There would be a bunch of bargain-crazy hams crowding the
entrance at nine, and since I didn't have anything special in mind to buy, I
thought waiting for the mob to dissipate would be a good idea. The closest
thing to doors-opening time at a hamfest? Trying to get into a Rolling Stones
concert in 1969.
With the aid
of our GPS, we made it to the Von Braun Center without incident in Unk’s 4Runner,
Miss Van Pelt. Huntsville’s municipal auditorium complex, unlike the rotting
one in Possum Swamp, is modern and well maintained. Miss D. had been there
previously for a conference, but this was my first visit and I was impressed. Good thing amateur radio, unlike amateur astronomy, is mostly an indoor pursuit. The weather was heading toward "nasty." It was drizzling rain and worse was on the way according to the local weather goobers.We followed the many hams walking toward the building, got inside, and paid our
admission. I probably should have purchased additional raffle tickets, but just like at star parties I rarely—if ever—win anything at a hamfest.
If you are
used to small hometown affairs like Possum Swamp’s hamfest, a major event like
Huntsville can send you into a state of shock at first. Unk hadn’t been to a
bigun in a while, and when Miss Dorothy and I entered the arena, all I could do
for a few minutes was stand there mumbling:
“All this stuff…all these hams…all this stuff…all these hams.” That wore
off, but I was still a little overwhelmed. There were more manufacturers’
booths at Huntsville than there were flea market tables at the last Possum
Swamp Hamfest.
The question
for old Unk was “Where to start?” I noticed Huntsville dealer Gigaparts had a huge booth set up, and figgered
that was it. I always try to patronize our local dealers, our in-state dealers
at least, and Gigaparts is a good one. The last time I ordered something from
them, an LDG antenna tuner, it was on my front porch faster than I thought
possible despite their location in Alabama. I left D. to puzzle out the forum
schedule and map of the arena floor and took a stroll through Gigaparts.
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Boat Anchor paradise... |
Hokay. No
old stuff. How about new? Being purty much an “Icom Man” just like I am a “Celestron
Man,” I headed for the big I’s booth. What was there? The absolutely bee-you-ti-ful
Campers, this thing has at least a million knobs and buttons on it and a
scrumptious full color display that includes a built-in panoramic adapter
(“band scope” in today’s lingo). Alas, it has a price to go with all that
coolness, just over ten fracking K. I spent most of my time admiring the IC-7600, which is almost as groovy and
has an at least imaginable price tag
for your stingy old Unk.
Despite my
fondness for Icom, I gave the nearby Yaesu and Kenwood booths due attention,
too. Let’s face it, all the big three make some mighty fine radios.
Unfortunately or fortunately, Unk was not in the market for a new rig. I am
more than happy with My IC-7200, which is kinda like the C8 of HF
then, no big, beautiful HF rigs. My buying would be confined to the
simple and inexpensive. I thought I’d like a new ballcap with my call on it,
and I’d lost my last callsign badge, so I needed a new one. I also needed a
wall-wart power supply to charge one of the jumpstart battery packs I use with
the telescopes, something with enough current capacity to charge the battery a
little quicker than the 800-mil job I’d been using. Finally, I thought I’d pick
up a little Chinese 2-meter/430 HT.
I have Baofeng’s
UV5R handie-talkie and have been delighted with it, but I thought it might be
cool to have their UV3R, too. It’s
even cheaper than the 5, about 40 bucks, really, really works, and for some
reason I’d got my heart set on having a 2-meter radio in a fluorescent yellow
case. You can get the UV3R in that color, in camouflage, and maybe even in hot
pink for all I know.
I often say
amateur astronomers are the friendliest people on the planet, and they are, but
hams are a close second. As we stood in long lines to put in my ballcap and badge
orders (they would be done onsite and ready in a couple of hours), we made
plenty of new friends and had a good old time. After we’d placed our orders and
had a quick stroll through a small portion of the flea market, it was time
for the presentation/forum we wanted to see, “A Budget Limited Search for E.T.
I don’t know
if D. and I will ever get into homebrew SETI, but the presenter, William
Dionne, N4DM, showed how you can do it, and do it in a pretty serious way for
about 200-bucks. No, I didn’t forget a couple of zeroes. With a PC, an
inexpensive low noise amp (LNA), one of them ubiquitous USB receiver dongles, a
small homebrew antenna, a couple of filters, and a few other odds and ends you
can be up and running in a fashion at least comparable to the Ohio State dish
that picked up the famous Wow! Signal way back when.
After the
talk, it was time to get Miss D. initiated into a ham radio tradition, the
legendary hamfest hamburger. I don’t
know why it is, but whether venue folks or your fellow hams prepare the burgers,
they always have that same special taste. One that reminds me of those happy times
of me and The Old Man carting amazing finds like BC-610s and Model 15 teletypes
and other stuff we didn't “need” to the car, wondering how we’d
explain more radio junk to Mama. Lunch was in the company of more friendly hams, and we had some FB eyeball QSOs, y’all.
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Miss D. doing the hamfest flea market thing... |
It had been
rung by the REA man (UPS before there was UPS), who was bearing a big box from Heathkit addressed to me. Yep, to little Rod, no mistake. In
it was an HW-16 (kit), and it was flat-out wonderful.
It was hardly cheap, $109.95, but the OM wanted to start me out right and he
damned sure did. Once it was assembled—Daddy did most of the work but I at
least helped—I got on the air, started working 15-meter DX, and never looked
Yes, I was
sorely tempted by that Hot Water Sixteen sitting right in front of me. I’d sold
that first rig, just like I sold my first telescope, to finance the “better”
and I regret it just as much. Maybe more, since the HW-16 was a dang sight
better than my 3-inch Tasco reflector. I stood there considering for a long
while, but finally gave into reality over sentiment. Even if it worked or I
restored it, the little rig would just sit.
I had Miss D. take a picture of me and the HW-16, and I moved on.
There seemed
to be miles of flea market tables, but we covered all of ‘em. What did Unk
find? Well, I got a 1.3 amp wall wart for 5-bucks. I also glommed onto a new
laser pointer, a violet one. I’m not sure whether it will have enough oomph to
work well as a sky-pointer, but it might. While I saw a few UV5Rs, I didn’t see
a single “3.” Shoulda scarfed one up at the Possum Swamp hamfest this past
spring when I had the chance, I reckon.
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Can't believe I let this get away... |
As Dorothy
and I said our “73s” and finally headed for the entrance, late afternoon was
coming on despite us having imagined we’d stay a mere two or three hours at most.
That’s how it is with hamfests: mobs of your friendly fellow hams, tons of
gear, lots and lots of fun, and you lose all track of time.
We rested up
for a while back at the motel, but not for too long, and soon walked over to
Rosie’s for a Mexican fiesta of goodness in the grand style. What’s to say
about the place? Rosie’s is big, staffed by friendly folks, and their Tex-Mex rocks. Unk, as usual, went for the
shrimp fajitas. Only bad thing? I thought I’d rearrange my plate to make room
for a great big draft Dos Equis on
the table, and my fingers contacted the hot iron skillet the fajitas were sizzling
in. Talk about a major league Owie.
I was tempted to dip my poor digits in the cold beer, but was afraid Miss D.
would think I’d been shanghaied into the execrable Deal with It reality (that’s what they call it) show.
Supper was
great despite my burned paddy-paw, and the rest of the evening was good, too,
but I have to admit the motel bed was getting to me. I hated the pillows. From
now on, I am taking my own with me on road trips. I simply cannot abide a pillow that is too soft in my
increasingly curmudgeonly old age. I was frankly relieved when Miss D.
suggested we ditch our original plan, which was to do the Space and Rocket Center
on Sunday and drive home Monday. Instead,
we’d leave for the Swamp from the Center Sunday. Bad pillows aside, I would
teach my first astronomy class of the semester Monday night, and driving home
and going almost straight to the University didn't have a whole lot of appeal,
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Having fun at Rosie's... |
After we’d
got in and picked our Imax movie, Hidden
Universe, which would play at eleven, it was time to tour the exhibits. I
told Miss D. that while the Space Center doesn't have as nearly much as the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, which we’d just
visited, they have plenty, and I
don’t get to feeling overwhelmed like I did in DC. It hadn’t been long since
we’d been to Huntsville, but they've been changing traveling exhibits and
swapping out permanent displays frequently. The traveling show this time was “Black
Holes: Space Warps and Time Twists.” Its interactive exhibits were fun for us
and surely delighted the few kids we saw in the Center on this early Sunday morning
at the end of summer right before the start of school.
The black
hole exhibit was nice, but what lit Unk’s fire was that the Center had gotten
their hands on a brace of Apollo, Gemini, and Mercury simulators. Both ingress/egress
simulators, and actual procedures trainers. Unk managed to somehow squeeze his
poor old bod into a Mercury capsule. It wasn’t easy, let me tell you. If the
astronauts felt like spam in a cam, Unk was for sure ham in a can.
After we’d
covered every inch of the main building and the even bigger Davidson Center for
Space Exploration (which houses a real Saturn V that has been beautifully
restored), it was lunchtime. The cafeteria, which used to be called “The Lunch
Pad” and is now known as “The Mars Grill,” was in its off-season sleepy mode,
it appeared. The counter-folks at least verged on the disinterested, but Miss
Dorothy was happy with her Solar Salad,
and Unk was delighted with his Fourth
Planet Combo (a cheeseburger with plenty of crispy B-A-C-O-N). Gotta admit,
it put the hamfest hamburger to shame.
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Quick run on
the gift shop for a T-shirt for Unk and a little something for D., and that was
that for our 2013 Huntsville expedition. I’d hoped to find some of the classic
1950s spacecraft model kit reissues the Center used to sell, but no dice this
time. Despite that disappointment and the 6-hour drive back down I-65 that had
to be faced, Unk was feeling good, real good. Big hamfest and the Rocket Center
all in one weekend with Miss Dorothy at my side. It just don’t get better than
that, muchachos.
Nota Bene:
You can see many more pictures from our trip on Unk’s Facebook page, in
the “Albums” section of “Photos.” For (a little) more on my ham radio
activities see my (AC4WY) page on
Blog News:
The Little Old Blog from Possum Swamp is now on the air in Poland in
Polish. Don’t believe it? See it rat-cheer.
Next Time: Tricks of the trade...
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Hi Rod,
I've been in amateur astronomer for 23 years, and amateur radio for only 18 months. I fell into it due to curiosity and a desire to understand why my late grandfather enjoyed the hobby so much. It wasn't long, of course, before I noticed that several amateur astronomers are also active hams.
A few months ago I gave a presentation on solar astronomy to my radio club and started off by detailing what I believed to be the similarities between the hobbies. In addition to the shared subject of the sun, here is what I came up with:
-- We have a love for understanding. Understanding optics, stars, galaxies, planets, circuits, propagation, radios, antennas.
-- We are fascinated with light and energy that is barely there at all. Light from distant galaxies, just a few watts from around the globe.
-- We are constantly trying to push our equipment to the limits. How good is your mirror? How good is your SNR?
--We have a history of tinkering and trying to make stuff do things it really wasn't initially designed to do. DSLRs, Mallincams, ATM, Rasberry PIs, built-your-own QRP.
-- There is a quasi-loner aspect to both hobbies. We're all in the dark at a star party; we're talking to people all over the world but we don't see them.
--If we're not careful, our equipment can easily cost as much as a small car. 20" Obsession, IC 7800.
--Michael, KT5MR
I've been in amateur astronomer for 23 years, and amateur radio for only 18 months. I fell into it due to curiosity and a desire to understand why my late grandfather enjoyed the hobby so much. It wasn't long, of course, before I noticed that several amateur astronomers are also active hams.
A few months ago I gave a presentation on solar astronomy to my radio club and started off by detailing what I believed to be the similarities between the hobbies. In addition to the shared subject of the sun, here is what I came up with:
-- We have a love for understanding. Understanding optics, stars, galaxies, planets, circuits, propagation, radios, antennas.
-- We are fascinated with light and energy that is barely there at all. Light from distant galaxies, just a few watts from around the globe.
-- We are constantly trying to push our equipment to the limits. How good is your mirror? How good is your SNR?
--We have a history of tinkering and trying to make stuff do things it really wasn't initially designed to do. DSLRs, Mallincams, ATM, Rasberry PIs, built-your-own QRP.
-- There is a quasi-loner aspect to both hobbies. We're all in the dark at a star party; we're talking to people all over the world but we don't see them.
--If we're not careful, our equipment can easily cost as much as a small car. 20" Obsession, IC 7800.
--Michael, KT5MR
Hey Rod, how about an article on to build the SETI Signal Chaser on the cheep (for us non-technical types)in a future column?
It seems those of us attracted to amateur astronomy are also drawn to ham radio, and also to aviation. I've met a number of people into all three. I recently got my ham license, the last element of the troika. Even got my UV-5R as my first 2m radio too.
You don't fly airplanes as well, do you Rod?
You don't fly airplanes as well, do you Rod?
I started to. When I was in the AF, I joined the aero club and started working on my license, but in the process of getting my engineering career started, I never finished it up.
HI Jeff:
I hope to. But it may be a while. It will take me some time to get comfortable with these new SDR receivers. In my book, an R-390 is still state of the art. LOL
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I hope to. But it may be a while. It will take me some time to get comfortable with these new SDR receivers. In my book, an R-390 is still state of the art. LOL
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