Sunday, September 27, 2015
The Nights Everything Goes Wrong Redux…
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Bertha's backyard M13 |
Sometimes everything goes right under the stars. Not all the time, though. Not hardly. Not if you are an astrophotographer,
or at least dabble in that black art as I’ve been doing for years. Even in the
supposedly simple film days, there were just so many things that could go wrong. Today, when you have to deal with computers and goto mounts and cooled cameras instead of just a
scope with a simple AC powered clock drive and a 35mm camera, there is
tremendously more to go wrong.
The whole mess got started because of my need to check out my
C11, Big Bertha, and her CGEM mount in advance of the fall star party season. I
thought the C11 herself was good to go, since I’d done some fine tuning of her the previous week. Fine tuning because I knew the scope’s focuser needed
attention. My last time out with Bertha months back, it had been noticeably harder to turn the focus knob than it used to be.
That can happen with a Celestron SCT when the screws holding
the “collar” in place around the focuser shaft loosen and the collar becomes
canted with respect to the shaft. The solution is to adjust all the
screws till the collar is parallel to the shaft and focus knob. It only took a
few minutes to sort this out and return the focus action to its normal smooth
feel. I also had a quick look at the corrector’s cleanliness. It was not pristine but not in need of cleaning yet,.
The CGEM? That was an entirely different kettle of fish. I didn’t
know it needed attention, but I also didn’t
know it didn’t. I didn’t know much
about it at all, frankly. In January of this year, I had finally had enough of
the NexStar 11 GPS’s enormous fork, and had purchased a Celestron CGEM to replace it. I was able to test the mount a few times in the
backyard, but only briefly thanks to terrible weather. I had hopes, though; I planned to resurrect Bertha for this year’s DSRSG Spring Scrimmage, to give her a good workout over three April
nights in the wilds of northern Louisiana. Or so I hoped.
Alas, those hopes came to naught. First obstacle was that,
for the second time in the last 30 years, I was summoned for jury duty. While I
was released before I was due to depart for the Feliciana Retreat Center, that coincided
with the arrival of wave after wave of thunderstorms. Since I was paid up for DSRSG, and, as with any star party, there could be no refunds, I drove to Louisiana anyway, but I packed the C8 and VX instead of the CGEM.
Why wrestle with a big SCT when the weatherman said there was absolutely no
chance whatsoever of me seeing anything?
The dire predictions of and Scopenights were correct. I had an OK time
at Feliciana, but the Edge 800 never came out of the 4Runner. In fact, the weather
went from bad to worse in the short time I was onsite. I arrived on Thursday afternoon to rain, and left
Friday afternoon to the accompaniment of booming thunder and flashing
And that was it for me even thinking about using the C11 for nearly six months. Both because of
this summer’s even more horrible weather and because of non-weather-related factors. What
little observing got done over those months was done exclusively with my simple
Dobbie, Zelda.
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The new mount |
Yer old Uncle Rod ain’t no dummy—not always—however, and I wasn’t fool
enough to pack up a mostly unused mount and drive hundreds of miles hoping for
the best. That’s how you incur the wrath of the astronomy gods. The CGEM needed
to be tested as thoroughly as I could test it. Not just visually for a few
minutes, but with a camera on the scope over the course of a reasonably long run.
As I wrote last week, I decided it wouldn’t be an overly onerous task to
tear down the Edge 800 and VX, which were out in the backyard, and replace them
with the C11/CGEM. That turned out to be not exactly true. Thanks to the still
and sultry late September weather, by the time I finished getting the big mount on the
tripod and the big OTA on the mount I was dripping with sweat. Stealing an
occasional glance at the partly cloudy sky, I hoped I hadn’t wasted my time.
For once, said I hadn’t. A cold front was
passing and would bring clear skies, if not on this night, then for several nights
following. Since it is not a problem to leave the C11 setup out back for days
on end, I figured I couldn’t lose. Ha!
Once the OTA was on the mount, I still had to rig up the DewBuster and the corrector heater. Mount the Rigel
Quick Finder. Hook up the batteries. Plug in the hand control. Get the
camera on the rear cell (via a make-do prime focus adapter as I mentioned last
time; I couldn’t find my normal one and used an old OAG instead). Finally, since
the camera I would be using, my “backup” body, an old Canon 400D, needed a
Shoestring shutter interface box to do longer exposures, I had to hunt that up
and hook it to the PC.
Standing there ogling Bertha after I finished, I had to admit she looked
mighty fine sitting in the fading late summer light. Of course,
looks mean nothing when it comes to scopes. We’d see how this new incarnation of my
old friend performed.
Once dark, which is finally beginning to arrive a little
earlier, came, I got to work, which was smooth sailing at first. I executed a
2+4 goto alignment, fired up the PC and started TheSky. That’s when my problems
began. TheSky 6 Professional resolutely refused to talk to the CGEM, “There
doesn’t appear to be a Celestron telescope connected.”
I was flabbergasted. TheSky has simply never failed me. Never. I tried
everything. Moved the serial-USB adapter to another USB port on the hub. Restarted TheSky
multiple times. Rebooted the PC multiple times. Checked Device Manager in the
PC’s Control Panel, which claimed I had a perfectly good Com Port 3. Nothing
Astronomical twilight had now well and truly arrived. I was
wasting time, so I reluctantly decided I’d forget TheSky for now; I’d figure it
out by the light of day. I sent the scope to M13 via the hand control, fired up
Nebulosity 3, and connected to the Canon. Or
tried to. Nebulosity said there was no Canon camera that it could find.
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M15 |
What the heck was going on? Puzzled, I idly looked over at
the USB hub. Something was different there. Its red LED was not illuminated.
Could that be it? Could the freaking USB hub have gone bad? That didn’t seem
likely. I’ve never heard of one failing…but there are active electronics in
one, and it was years old so… I unplugged
it from the USB port and plugged it into another one. Still no red light.
I ran inside, grabbed another hub, and connected it to a
USB port. Its LED illuminated immediately. Plugged the USB-serial cable into it and
tried TheSky. Still no dice. Went into control panel and reset the driver for
the USB-serial adapter and suddenly everything was fine. Whew! Plugged up the
Canon to the new hub and Nebulosity detected it immediately. My problems were
over. That’s what I thought, anyway.
OK…I put Nebulosity 3 in frame and focus mode and got the
cluster looking as sharp as I could by eye, twitching the C11’s now blessedly
smooth focus knob. I then picked out a non-saturated field star, clicked on it, and switched
to fine focus mode, which zooms in on the star and allows you to dial in focus
precisely. I began focusing and was almost there when the star drifted out of
the small box it was situated in. What the—? That was new. That had never happened before. I went back to frame and focus
mode, clicked on the star again, Nebulosity zoomed in on it again, and away it
drifted once again before I could finish focusing. What now? Was the CGEM down for the
I checked everything. RA and declination locks were firmly locked. Mount was
definitely in normal sidereal tracking mode. Everything seemed OK. So why wasn’t
it tracking? I didn’t know what else to do, so I reset the hand controller to
factory values, reentered my site/date/time data and did a new goto alignment.
Got M13 back in the field using TheSky—at least that was working now. Started
Nebulosity, went back to fine focus mode, and watched that darned star slowly
drift off into never-never land...
I was well and truly stumped, but luckily, maybe, this wasn’t exactly the first time I've been at a loss under the stars. At least I had the sense to STOP, not do anything else, and
just THINK. What causes stars to drift other than problems with the mount?
Well, poor polar alignment. But I had done an Allstar polar alignment with the hand
control, just like I always do and… Wait
one freaking minute. What AllStar polar
alignment? I hadn’t done a polar alignment
following the goto alignment and that was why the star kept drifting no matter
what I did. All I’d done was sight Polaris through the CGEM’s hollow polar
bore. Hardly good enough when you are imaging at nearly 1800mm.
In my defense, I’d had the VX out in the backyard for nearly
a week. After the first night, when I performed the goto and polar alignments,
all I’d had to do was wake the mount up from its hibernate mode each evening and go to work.
I’d gotten good and used to that and that was why I’d forgotten to do the AllStar, I
supposed. Abashed, I did an AllStar alignment on Antares, went back to the fine focus mode on
Nebulosity and finally got going nearly two hours after I began.
Again, so many things can go wrong when you're doing astrophotography—computers,
computer programs, cables, hand controls, batteries, cameras—that it’s a wonder
something doesn’t go wrong every blasted time. You just have to accept the fact that you are going to have occasional disastrous nights no matter how experienced you are. Yeah, I had egg on my face, but
I hoped that meant that I was due some good nights over the coming months.
When I finally sent Murphy and his pal Finagle packing, I
began grabbing images of M13. This was special, since this was—get this—the first time I’d taken prime focus (non-video)
deep sky images with the C11 I had owned for over a dozen years. In her
former incarnation, it just wasn’t practical. The alt-az fork was fine for
video exposures but not for DSLRing or CCDing. Yes, I had a good wedge for the scope,
but mounting Bertha on it was a two-person job, easy, so I rarely did that.
So, what turned out to be the deal with the C11 and CGEM once the images started hitting my monitor? Nearly
1800mm (with the f/6.3 reducer corrector on Bertha’s rear port) is a lot of
focal length to deal with in my book, and the CGEM is hardly a top-of-the-line
mount. I like it just fine, but there’s no use pretending it’s a Bisque or an A-P.
Nevertheless, I was pleased with what I was seeing on the laptop, especially
considering the fact that I had to go unguided.
I don’t have a guide scope mount for Bertha, and the guide
camera I have, an old Orion StarShoot, is not sensitive enough to use with an
off-axis guider. That didn’t mean I couldn’t take pictures, though. I found I
could go 30-seconds without guiding and keep a respectable number of frames. Backing off to 15 –
20 seconds meant almost all were perfect, and, frankly, all could have been
used in a stack if I weren’t being picky. 15 – 20 seconds is perfectly fine for
me at the moment given my interest in short-sub imaging, but I might think
about a better guide cam or at least a guide scope mount for Bertha eventually.
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M56 |
Frankly, I was rather impressed by the images the C11
delivered as compared to a C8. More aperture will not give you brighter nebulae or galaxies. Extended objects just
get bigger in larger aperture scopes (assuming the focal ratio stays the same)
not brighter. Stars are another matter. The C11 pulls in more, and combining
that with the larger image scale of its longer focal length made M13 look nice
indeed. Star colors were good and the core looked real sweet.
The next morning, I found it easier, I
thought, to process the cluster without burning out the core than it is with
a C8's images. Since star clusters, open and globular, are prime targets for my
backyard imaging, I think the C11 will be preferable for that. Might make it
easier to tease some detail out of planetary nebulae, too. Of course, there is
the fly in that ointment: I have to
convince myself to set the big thing up.
I didn’t stop with M13. I’d sweated too much
blood on this night to leave it at that despite the now rather late (for me)
hour. From M13, I went to M92, M15, M56, NGC 6888, and a few others. All were
easy enough to capture, and all were easy enough to process. The old 400D
acquitted itself well. While I would have been tempted to go to an ISO higher
than the camera’s maximum of 1600 if that had been available, in truth it would have been a mistake in the light pollution and with a Moon in the sky. As it
was, processing wasn’t a pain, but I still had to deal with some gradients.
How about the mount? I have nothing whatsoever to complain
about. While it is an “inexpensive” GEM, it did bring home the bacon. I will
be interested to see how easy it is to guide. I don’t expect perfection, of
course. The C11 is a heavy enough and even reduced has enough focal length that it
really cries out for a mount two or three steps above a CGEM. A Losmandy Titan
or a Bisque MyT or an A-P Mach 1. The chance of me acquiring any of those fine
machines seems slim, however, and why should I worry about it if the CGEM can
do what I want it to do? For me that is casual imaging of the sort I did on this evening and deep
cruising with the Mallincams, and it’s already obvious the CGEM is more than
capable of both things.
There is one area where the CGEM bows to no mount: goto accuracy. Do a good 2+4 alignment, and
the CGEM will put anything from one side of the sky to the other in an eyepiece
at 150x – 200x. You might get your high-priced-spread of a GEM mount to do
better, but not without doing a 100-point T-point run, and you can do T-point
with the CGEM too. Frankly, I am satisfied; as I hoped, the CGEM is an improvement in
both portability and performance over the fork (except for goto accuracy; the
fork was outstanding there, too).
What’s next? When the Moon is New again, I will be at a star party, the Peach State Star Gaze, with Bertha. I may actually try to get
out sooner than that for some more short-subbing once Luna begins to wane, though.
That is assuming the weather gods and my moods allow, which is always a tossup, natch. Stay tuned.
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Wow,the main thing that seems to always be in your favor is you are a man who knows when to stop and regroup.To solve many problems I have come across on my job (no astrophotography here)the answer is take a break ,walk away and get back with a clearer head....Good reading as always on a Sunday morning,thanks.
Totally reflects my last dark sky imaging session when firstly the DSI II suddenly stopped working. Unplugged replugged and restarted the comp. Worked for a bit then Envisage started behaving eratically...exposure countdown was jumping all over the place. Rebooted the comp and just when I though everything was peachy, the comp decides to do an update while I was imaging. That was when I 'pulled the accursed switch' and swith to visual.....
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