Sunday, March 12, 2017
Issue #534: Getting Your PHD
PHD2, that is, as in
America’s premier auto-guiding software. I have written about the program,
originally done by software wizard Craig Stark and now carried on as an
open-source project, a time or two before, but lots of people still have lots
of questions about it. It’s rare that my virtual mailbag doesn’t contain a
missive pleading for help with PHD.
Before offering some of that help, I suppose I should
explain what PHD2 is for the uninitiated. You’re probably more knowledgeable
than I was when I began astrophotography.
Unlike me, you know you can’t just point your telescope and camera at a
deep sky object, open the shutter, and walk away. You have to guide. The gears in most mounts are not
precise enough to allow the scope to track precisely enough over longer exposures to keep stars round
without some intervention.
To keep stars round, you watch a “guide-star” either with
the main scope or a small auxiliary telescope, a guide scope, keeping it precisely centered. Or a little camera does
that watching for you. There are some mounts that will allow you to dispense with
guiding for long exposures, but you are talking about mounts in the 10micron
class, expensive, top-tier mounts. Proletarians like yours truly guide their
mounts throughout long exposures.
How exactly do you do that guiding? Well, back in the day,
you monitored a guide star in a crosshair eyepiece in the guide scope or in an off-axis guider, and
pushed buttons on a hand-paddle—what we called our non-computerized telescope
mount hand controls—to keep the star centered. Naturally, when computers and
CCD cameras came along, we were more than happy to pass the onerous task of
guiding to them.
A guide camera is used to watch that guide star, but most
guide cameras cannot guide the telescope mount without the help of a laptop
computer and an auto-guiding program. That program is the brains of the outfit,
and that is what PHD2 is, auto-guiding software.
If you need direction on getting PHD2 downloaded, installed,
and initially configured, please see this (fairly) recent article. Today, we’re going to focus on what you need to do to get PHD2
performing by fine-tuning its default parameters. What you have to do to get
those pesky stars round.
What does “PHD” stand for, anyway? It ain't “doctor of
philosophy,” but instead, “push here dummy.” Mr. Stark’s original goal was to
produce an auto-guiding program that was as simple as it could possibly be. One
that would allow you to hook everything up, push one button and guide your way
to round star heaven. That’s actually possible in some cases, but due to the
nature of the beast, often not.
The Guiding Tab... |
There are so many different possible configurations of
telescope/guide scope/guide camera/main camera/telescope mount, etc., etc. that
making a no-set-up auto-guide program is a near impossibility. Oh, if you stick
to shorter focal lengths (500mm and down) on a decent (VX and up) mount, and don’t insist on longer
than 300-second sub-frames, it is possible all you will have to do is push that
button and guide. Most of us will have to mess with PHD’s guiding parameters,
which are accessed with the program’s famous brain icon. Before we attack that,
though, a couple of preliminaries: “What is the best way to guide?” and “What
is the best guide-scope to use?”
I am frequently asked by newbies how they should guide. Should
they use an ST-4 connection, a direct connection from a camera to a mount’s
auto-guide port, or should they guide through the hand control’s serial
port? I asked myself that very thing
years ago when I first essayed auto-guiding.
Some people think serial port guiding, particularly “pulse
guiding,” a feature of some ASCOM telescope drivers, is better since each guide
message going to the mount contains not just the direction the telescope needs
to move, but also for how long. With
ST-4 guiding, once the software decides the mount needs to move, it will cause
the camera to close an electronic “switch” to move the mount. When the move is
done, the switch is opened. With pulse guiding, there is no (possible) time-lag
resulting from ST-4 mode guiding having to send an additional command to open
the switch. On the other hand, ST-4 fans say that since no back and forth
computer talking is needed with ST-4 mode guiding, it must be inherently
more responsive.
The ground truth? With my mounts/scopes/guide-cams, there
was absolutely no difference in accuracy between the two methods. The pluses
for each have more to do with convenience. If you are controlling your mount
with a computer, why not pulse guide? If you are using EQMOD in particular,
that seems a natural—everything, goto commands and guide commands, is routed
to the mount over a single cable. On the other hand, while ST-4 guiding
requires an additional cable run from camera to mount, there’s no fooling
around with serial connections and USB to serial adapters, which is a good
thing. I normally do ST-4 for that reason.
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Calculating cal step size... |
The other question concerns the guide-scope or lack thereof.
What sort of a guide-scope should you use? In my opinion, the answer is one
with a focal length of about 400 -500mm. That provides a fairly wide field for
small guide-cam sensor chips, but also has enough image scale for precision guiding.
The venerable Short Tube 80mm is a good choice as long as you can lock the
focuser down firmly and mount the whole thing securely to prevent
image-destroying flexure.
Me? I use a short focal length 50mm finder-guider. One of these will work up to about 1200 – 1300mm of
imaging scope focal length, and is small, light, and easy to mount firmly. For anyone
who doesn’t top 1000mm of imaging scope focal length, a finder-guider is a natural.
Having that wide field is often a blessing when it comes to choosing guide
There’s always the option of doing without a guide scope, too. Using an off-axis guider (OAG) which
intercepts a small amount of the light coming out of the main scope for
guiding. Obviously, since you are guiding through the main scope, there is no
flexure to worry about. If you are running an imaging telescope at over 1500mm of focal
length, you may find an OAG is your only workable option. The downside? You
only have access to stars at the edge of the main scope’s field, and for that
reason it can be quite difficult to find a good guide star. Luckily for me, a
long time OAG hater, I rarely image at a focal length long enough to require
One final thing to discuss before we do “brain surgery.” How good does your guiding have to be?
How much error is acceptable? The answer is, “that depends.” At 1000mm or
less with an APS-C sized camera sensor chip, an RMS error of around 2” or so is
good enough. Stars will be round and small enough to please. You can even get OK (if sometimes not perfect) stars at that error level to about 1500mm of focal length.
It’s a good thing this degree of error is acceptable at the
focal lengths I use, since the plebian mounts I have in my inventory, GP
clones like we discussed last week, and the EQ-6 and CGEM mounts a step above
them, will deliver 2” of RMS error with fair ease. Getting guiding much tighter
than that with these sorts of mounts isn’t always easy and will often take considerable
Alright, click PHD2’s brain icon and let’s get started
entering some guide parameter values in place of the defaults, parameters than
will bring us round stars (we hope). With the brain window displayed, skip its
first two tabs, “Global” and “Camera,” since I’m assuming you’ve gone through them
in the initial program setup. Which brings us to…
Guiding Tab
The Algorithm Tab... |
The first entry here is “Search Region.” This is the size of
the tracking box PHD2 draws around a star. Normally you should leave this at the
default value. If you have so much drift between guide exposures that the box
needs to be larger, you aren’t going to get anywhere with guiding anyway. The
accompanying “Star Mass Detection” has to do with PHD2 monitoring the star’s
brightness as compared to the sky background. Leave this as is as well.
Likewise, leave the tolerance setting for Star Mass Detection alone.
The next part of the window is quite important, “Calibration.” Enter the focal length of your guide scope (you should already have entered the size of the guide-cam’s pixels in the “Camera” tab), push the button labeled “Calculate,” and PHD2 will figure out how long guide pulse duration should be during calibration. The main concern here? If you have a short focal length guide scope like I do, you need to enter a much higher calibration step size than the default. I have a value of 1350 here. Given the short focal length of my 50mm finder-guider, I need that large a setting. Otherwise, calibration would take all freaking night to complete. Leave the other stuff here alone.
The final part of the window contains things you don’t have
to worry about in the beginning. Well, except for one thing. Make sure “Enable
Guide Output” is checked, otherwise PHD2 will not issue guide commands to the
mount. It will be like that goober in the TV commercial, “I’m not a dentist; I’m
Algorithms Tab
Here’s where we get down to the nitty gritty, the place
where you can change the settings that really and truly affect guiding. You’ll
see that the window is divided in two, with one area for right ascension and
one for declination. Let’s begin with RA.
The first thing to set is Hysteresis. PHD2 is pretty smart;
it can remember what the last RA correction was like and use that information
in formulating the next correction. The number here is a percentage. It is how
much the remembered previous correction affects the next one. At 40%, the next RA
correction will be 40% based on the magnitude of the previous correction, and
60% on the star movement PHD2 is seeing at the moment.
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Guiding Assistant... |
What should you set it at? More Hysteresis yields smoother
guiding. Too much, however, and a sudden guide star movement will not be
adequately compensated for. I have my
value at 40%, which seems OK.
Coupled with Hysteresis is “Aggressiveness.” That setting is
how much (as a percentage) of the calculated necessary movement PHD2 actually
sends to the mount. The reason for this is to decrease the chance of the mount
overshooting the star, going back the other way on the next guide command, and
overshooting in that direction too, “ping-ponging.” Normal settings rage from
about 70% to 100%. I am set at 85%.
Next is “Minimum Move.” This is the amount the star is
allowed to drift without PHD2 issuing a guide command. The reason for this is
to reduce unneeded guiding corrections caused by non-tracking related star
motions due to seeing or other momentary events like mount vibration, wind,
etc. The default is .15 and that’s where
I’ve left it.
Max RA duration, the last setting on the RA side, is similar
to the above in that it’s meant to smooth out guiding, to prevent herky-jerky
guiding. This figure is in milliseconds, and limits the duration of the RA
guide command. I’ve settled on a value
of 1200 for RA through trial and error. I am thinking that is low, however, and might try a higher value next time out.
Now for the declination side of the house…
First up is “Resist Switch,” which means PHD2 tries to avoid reversing the
guide direction in declination. That is always a good thing, since in many cases issuing a guide command in dec to go back the other way will be a
problem. Star movement in declination opposite the constant slow (you hope) drift caused by polar alignment errors is usually caused by seeing,
vibration, mount flexure, wind, etc., and as with RA, we want to avoid issuing
guide commands for these things. Most of all, many mounts have considerable backlash in declination, which would create a considerable time lag between command and movement if the mount reversed direction in dec.
Also on the declination agenda are aggressiveness, minimum
move, and backlash compensation settings. I
have the first two at the same value I have for RA. The backlash
compensation option determines whether PHD2 will use a backlash compensation
value it has computed if a declination correction opposite the previous one
needs to be issued. I have this off,
since I don’t seem to be having any major dec problems.
Max Dec Duration has the same purpose as in RA, to smooth
guiding. I have my value set a little
higher here than I do in RA, 1500, but it could probably be higher still.
Finally, there is “Dec Mode.” Normally this is set to
“Auto,” which tells PHD that the occasional declination reverse guide command
(caused by whatever) is permissible. Why would you want to disallow this by
selecting “North” or “South”? If your mount has really bad declination
backlash, trying to make a “reverse” correction may cause serious problems—the
cure may be worse than the disease. I am
set to “Auto.”
And that is it, folks. The other Brain tabs cover use of
adaptive optics guiders and are of little interest to most of us.
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Getting round stars with an import mount is fairly easy at 900mm... |
How do you fine tune your mount if these values don’t work
for your particular setup? Trial and error, which was what I did to arrive at the numbers I’ve
given here. There is one alternative, though, PHD2’s “Guiding Assistant.” Theoretically, invoking this tool should allow the program to decide what your
guiding values should be. When the procedure has completed its work, it will
make suggestions, which you can implement or ignore at your discretion.
Alas, when I tried Guiding Assistant some time back, one
night at the 2015 Peach State Star Gaze, the figures PHD2 came up with seemed
to make my guiding worse rather than better. However, that was over a year ago,
so the Assistant may have been improved by now. If you invoke it and use the suggestions,
make sure you’ve written down your old numbers so you can get back to the way
things were if Guiding Assistant doesn’t work for you.
I hope all this stuff didn’t put you off too much. Again,
with a halfway decent mount and a reasonable focal length, you might not have
to do much with anything beyond basic setup other than just setting your
calibration step parameter. And remember, if your stars are round your stars are round. Don’t start
chasing lower and lower error values just for the sake of lower values, “The
Only Enemy of Good Enough is More Better.”
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Good advice. I have recently switched to PHD2 from an SBIG STV standalone guider. Like you, I use a small finder-guider (60mm) because it is more rigidly built than an ST80; what it lacks in focal length, it makes up in steadiness.
Have you tried Metaguide? I have not (yet).
Have you tried Metaguide? I have not (yet).
Great stuff! There is lots of periodic error on my home built platform limiting me to 10 to 20 seconds.
So I need to upgrade.
With an old 12 inch F5 dob that the OTA (Metal) weighs in at 34LBS. It is difficult to find a mount in my price range.
Any ideas? I'm gonna need one to have a guided scope. :-)
So I need to upgrade.
With an old 12 inch F5 dob that the OTA (Metal) weighs in at 34LBS. It is difficult to find a mount in my price range.
Any ideas? I'm gonna need one to have a guided scope. :-)
Timely blog, made my Monday train ride easy. Would help me a lot with guiding which I have been trying to avoid.
While I agree that both guiding via ASCOM and ST4 are equivalent, there is one significant advantage of using ASCOM "pulse guiding" in PHD2. Since PHD2 is aware of the declination of the mount, it does not require re-calibration when slewing to new areas of the sky, and can automatically calculate a new guiding calculation to save time when shooting multiple targets.
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