Sunday, January 10, 2021
Issue 572: Happy New Year’s 2021 from the AstroBlog
While things don’t exactly look good now (to say the least), I hope we can expect something better than another whole year of “I’VE GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS!” Anyhow, this is the traditional AstroBlog New Year's update, muchachos.
Before we get to that, however, I know y’all wanna know WHAT
SANTA BRUNG Unk. Well, not any new telescopes; that’s fer sure. If you
follow this here blog even intermittently, you know Unk has been engaged in
thinning the scope herd over the last several years. Oh, I’ve still got telescopes
and eyepieces aplenty. But I’m down to one SCT, a few nice refractors, and a
10-inch Dobbie.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t get anything that was
kinda-sorta astro-related, however. Something I like to do every week when I
can is check into the Amateur Astronomy Digital (radio) Voice Net. A weekly
meeting of amateur radio operators who are also amateur astronomers. This very
fine net, hosted by NCS Jason Hissong, NX8E, a great ham and a great observer,
can accommodate both DMR and D-Star users. The net meets every Wednesday night
at 9 pm EST. It’s a good net, but I
wasn’t checking in very often. Why? Because the only D-Star radio I owned was a
HT (handie-talkie, that is). Unk has never been a big fan of HTs, you see.
Anyhoo…the little VHF rig in the shack here, a Yaesu
FT-1900, was about a dozen years old, so I figured it was time to upgrade. What
did I ask Santa for? I thought about the Icom ID 5100—I love its big display—but
it really seems more suited to mobile use, so I went with the ID 4100. And,
after wrestling with the RT Systems programming software on Christmas afternoon,
I got it set up for both analog and digital operations, and hope to become a
regular on NX8E’s net henceforth. You can too if you hold at least a Technician
license. If you’d like to join the net, see the Amateur Astronomy Digital Voice
Net page on Facebook for details.
Anyhow, now for the annual wrap up…
January brought
an article on poor, old Meade, which was in the midst of yet another
bankruptcy. The long and short of it was the company that bought Meade after
their last crash some years ago, Ningbo Sunny, lost an anti-trust suit,
declared bankruptcy, and was looking for a buyer. Where are they now? I haven’t
heard much news about ‘em lately. They are apparently still getting some
product to dealers, however. The website comes and goes and products, even
bread and butter ones like the LX90, are frequently shown as “out of stock.”
The irony? As that bad news came out, I’d just completed a review of their
LX85 and was quite impressed. “Meade is back,” I thought.
In a good sign for the revival of the Blog, January 2020
featured not one but two entries. The second being an account of my
yearly ritual of photographing M13. This edition concerned me doing that with
the above mentioned LX85 the previous fall. As above, I was quite impressed by
the optics of the 8-inch Coma-Free SCT that came with the LX85 GEM package, and
also by the quality of the AVX-like mount. Actually, I thought the Meade LX85,
which features ball bearings on the declination axis as well as the RA axis,
unlike the Advanced VX, tracked better and was easier to guide.
April? How about February and March? There wasn’t any
February and March. Unk wasn’t quite ready to get the Blog back on the rails till
April, but when I did, I swore I would get at least one and sometimes two new
articles out the door every stinkin’ month. The first of these was a real blast
from the past, since it found me in the backyard with my Mallincam deep sky
video camera I hadn’t used in years.
I was curious to see how it would work—or if it would work
at all—since I had not applied power to it in at least five annums. But the
Mallincam Xtreme fired right up and worked just as well as it ever had. So did everything
else. Yes, your silly Unk did fumble around a bit with the Mallincam software,
but he finally got back in the groove.
As with the Mallincam, I was hoping all would be well after
going on two years of disuse. And it was save for one thing: the mount’s internal battery, a button cell.
After getting over the shock of what one little battery can cost on fricking Amazon,
Unk installed it in the Gemini II, got the mount into the backyard, and got it
going again. “Going” meaning this wonderful mount performed just as well as
Confronted with a downright strange stretch of clear spring
weather, your uncle was able to get another Blog entry into virtual print in
May. I realized that if I were to get outside with a telescope more regularly
again, I needed a project. That project, I decided, would be The New Herschel
Which would be decidedly more modest than the original
Herschel (2500) Project documented in this blog. That project, a.k.a. “The Big
Enchilada,” involved me observing all 2500 Herschel deep sky objects in less
than three years. This time? Fewer objects, but more challenging in its own
way: I would observe the original Herschel
400 objects from my average suburban backyard. I would use the Mallincam when
necessary, but the largest aperture telescope would be the largest left in my
inventory. My sweet 10-inch Dobbie, Zelda.
The month’s first entry was about the first evening of the
New Herschel Project. And, more prominently, the telescope I used to essay
that: Charity Hope Valentine, my Meade
ETX 125. Like everything else the little scope had lain dormant for years.
Before I could think of getting her into the backyard, I
knew I’d want to replace the battery in Charity’s LNT finder (she is a PE style
ETX). That battery, like the Gemini II’s cell, keeps the scope’s clock running.
I ordered one for Charity, and ordered one for the Celestron AVX as well, since
I reckoned it would be good and dead too. Replacing Charity’s battery was a
pain as always, but I got ‘er done and got the little scope into the backyard.
Alas, clouds scuttled our mission after we’d seen but one
object. I was glad I’d got the little scope outside, though. For one thing, I
found that the hand control cable was going bad. The insulation was gone in
places. I’ll replace that “soon.” Another reason? She is a good little telescope
and I still and always will love her.
There was a third entry in June, believe it or not. But it
recounted a rather bitter affair. I’d found my Celestron Edge 800 had a
severe problem. After seven years, the paint on the interior of her tube was
failing. That necessitated carefully removing as much of the old paint (which
had quite obviously been applied to an improperly prepared surface) as possible and repainting
the interior.
July’s second article took Unk from the high-tech to the very
lowest tech. Wherein your correspondent went hunting for the amazing Comet Neowise
with binoculars. I began with my 100mm giants, but when it became obvious I’d
have to hunt up the parts and pieces of their mount, I backed off to my Burgess
15x70s. The comet looked amazing nevertheless.
August recounted Unk’s adventures with hand-held astronomy
software from the Palm Pilot days onward. This was spurred on in part by a Sky
& Telescope assignment I was working on, a Test Report on the new
version of SkySafari. Needless to say, I was impressed by the new ‘Safari.
I’d skipped a version, and was amazed how far the software had come in a short
while. I don’t hesitate to say it is now fully the equal of most PC and Mac astronomy
Well, Muchachos…September was not exactly an astronomy-friendly
month down here in Possum Swamp. We were hit by a pretty serious hurricane,
Sally. This installment was about the passage of the big storm. While it caused
a lot of damage to our east, the sum total of her depredations here was a
downed 6-meter antenna and a few limbs in the yard. We were on the standby generator
for less than an hour.
The year began with my M13 tradition and it was ending with
the same. I knew I had to get out right away, as soon as the Gulf calmed down,
or there would be no yearly M13. To be honest with y’all, it had been
about three years since I’d done any astrophotography, and I was a mite nervous
about whether I’d remember what to do and how to do it.
To make things easy on myself, I employed my beloved William
Optics Megrez II Fluorite, an 80mm f/7, Veronica Lodge. She makes
astrophotography as easy as that difficult art ever can be with her excellent
wide-field optics. My results were nothing special, but got me back into the
groove of polar alignment, guiding, and image processing.
November brought another Herschel evening, and a pretty good
haul of objects. The ostensible goal was getting CPWI working in wireless
fashion with the AVX mount, but it didn’t take me long to figure out that was a
no-go. My first generation Celestron wireless dongle just wouldn’t stay
connected for long. I went back to “wired” and had mucho fun doing Herschels
The final post of the year was about—what else could
it have been about?—The Christmas Star, the grand conjunction of Jupiter
and Saturn. The article also comprised my annual Christmas card to you, my dear
readers, but the focus was on the opposition. For once the weather cooperated,
and I was able to see the spectacle and show it off to Miss Dorothy and a few
neighbors with my 80mm f/11 achromat, Midge.
2021? Who knows what this year will hold? It is starting off in genuinely crazy fashion. Unk? I have two hopes: that me and Miss D. get the vaccine soon and that I get up the gumption to get a scope outside and really start knocking off some Herschels. Which I promise to do just as soon as it gets a little warmer, muchachos.
I was looking into the Losmandy mounts so your blog entries on the GM 811 were of particular interest to me. In the end I decided to see if building a new set of tripod legs for my old HEQ-5 mount to replace the current, very willowy homemade wooden legs it came with will make it stable enough for my long focus 4" refractor. If not then I guess I'll find the money for a Losmandy head and Berlebach tripod.
Thx -
Ralph K
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